Spend your time developing the document, not searching for it.
Provide e-signature integration with the same validity as your ink signature.
Gain the ease of document editing compatible with Office applications.
Enable the creation of process tracking, efficiency, and similar reports tailored to your organization's needs.
Integrate with your organization's applications and exchange data with them.
Define and execute your business processes on documents in accordance with the BPMN standard.
In case of a failure, continue to use RAF seamlessly by maintaining service on the other server.
Use RAF freely without any limits!
It is a system that enables the management of an organization's documents and records within a single application.
Discover the World of Digital Document Management!
Keep Your Documents Under Control and Simplify Your Work with RAF BASE!
Define and operate your business processes on documents in accordance with the BPMN standard.
Provide approval with the same validity as your ink signature through e-signature integration.
Enable the creation of process tracking, productivity, and similar reports tailored to your organization's needs.
ntegrate with your organizational applications and exchange data with them.
Gain the convenience of document editing compatible with office applications.
Scale across multiple servers, ensuring uninterrupted use of RAF by continuing service on another server in case of a failure on one server.
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